Once Ben proposed, it was time for me to propose right back...to my bridesmaids!
I knew that I wanted the moment to be a special one and that I wanted the whole bridal party to be together when I asked. Other than those two things, that's all I knew.
So I got to brainstorming on Pinterest (where else?). By simply typing in "bridesmaids gifts" the search results were full of necklaces, gift boxes, custom wine bottle labels, you name it. Then I spotted these knot earrings from Foxblossom. As soon as I saw the earrings with the "I couldn't tie the knot without you" message, I knew they were it. The perfect proposal present for my bridesmaids. They really spoke to me for some reason. And of course, I wanted the gift to be a reflection of me and somewhat a foreshadow to the wedding, so I bought the earrings in the yellow gold color.
Now that I had the main gift, I just rounded out the package with fresh flowers (I'm a big fan of fresh flowers if you can tell by my Instagram account) that I got at my local florist and wrapped myself in kraft paper.
All that was left was a cute "Will you be my bridesmaid?" card. I found the perfect ones on KardzKouture's Etsy shop. Plus, I love supporting a small local Vancouver business. I made sure to write a personal (not generic) message in each card for each girl, because it's the little touches like that that make it special!
Once I had each little package ready, I invited the girls over to my place for appies and drinks. I didn't tell them why I was inviting them over, but most of them had figured it out 🙂 Over some good drinks (I made Hugos of course) and food, I gave each girl their earrings, flowers and card. Some of them even had tears in their eyes by the time they were done reading their cards (the power of that personal message I tell you!). Of course, all of them said yes.
I've known most of these girls since grade one and we've been a unit ever since. It's hard to imagine anyone other than them being by my side on that special day. And it all started with a simple "will you be my bridesmaid?" It's amazing how one question contains so much meaning. Five words is all it takes to signify a lifetime of friendship and memories, with many more to come.
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